Interview Questions For Selenium WebDriver Part 10

Part 10

46 : Can nosotros perform drag together with drib functioning In Selenium WebDriver? Tell me a syntax to drag X chemical ingredient together with drib It On Y element.
Answer : Yes, We tin ship away perform drag together with drib functioning using selenium webdriver software testing tool's Advanced User Interactions API. Syntax Is similar below.

new Actions(driver).dragAndDrop(X, Y).build().perform();

View Practical Example

47 : Do you lot convey faced whatever technical challenges alongside Selenium WebDriver software evidence automation?
Answer : Yes, I convey faced below given technical challenges during selenium webdriver evidence cases evolution together with running for software spider web application.
  • Sometimes (Not always), Some elements similar text box, buttons etc. are taking to a greater extent than time(more than given Implicit facial expression time) to look on page of software spider web application or to larn enabled on page. In such situation, If I convey used exclusively Implicit facial expression hence my evidence representative tin ship away run fine on showtime run but It may neglect to notice chemical ingredient on bit run. So nosotros demand furnish particular handling for such elements hence that webdriver script facial expression for chemical ingredient to endure acquaint or larn enabled on page of software spider web application during evidence execution. We tin ship away exercise Explicit facial expression to handgrip this situation. You tin ship away notice unlike explicit facial expression representative links on THIS PAGE.
  • Handling dynamic changing ID to locate chemical ingredient Is tricky. If element's ID Is changing every fourth dimension when you lot reload the software spider web application page together with you lot convey to exercise that ID In XPath to locate chemical ingredient hence you lot convey to exercise functions like starts-with(@id,'post-body-') or contains(@id,'post-body-') In XPath. Other alternate solutions to handgrip this province of affairs are described inwards respond of Question xv of THIS PAGE.
  • Clicking on sub menus which are getting rendered on mouse hover of principal bill of fare Is roughly what tricky. You demand to exercise webdriver's Actions degree to perform mouse hover operation. You tin ship away VIEW FULL EXAMPLE on how to generate mouse hover lawsuit on principal menu.
  • If you lot convey to execute your evidence cases In multiple browsers hence i evidence representative tin ship away run successfully In Firefox browser but same evidence representative may neglect In IE browser due to the timing related Issues (nosuchelement exception) because evidence execution In Firefox browser Is faster than IE browser. You tin ship away resolve this Issue past times Increasing Implicit facial expression fourth dimension when you lot run your evidence In IE browser.
  • Above Issue tin ship away arise due to the unsupported XPath In IE browser. In this case, You demand to you lot OTHER ELEMENT LOCATING METHODS (ID, Name, CSSSelector etc.)to locate element.
  • Handling JQuery elements similar moving pricing slider, engagement picker, drag together with drib etc.. Is tricky. You should convey cognition of webdriver's Advanced User Interactions API to perform all these actions. You tin ship away notice few representative links for working alongside JQuery Items on THIS PAGE.
  • Working alongside multiple Windows, Frames, together with roughly tasks similar Extracting information from spider web table, Extracting information from dynamic spider web tableExtracting all Links from page, Extracting all text box from page are also tricky together with fourth dimension consuming during evidence representative preparation.
  • There Is non whatever lead ascendency to upload or download files from spider web page using selenium webdriver. For downloading files usign selenium webdriver, You demand to practise together with gear upwards Firefox browser profile alongside webdriver evidence case. You tin ship away VIEW PRACTICAL EXAMPLE.
  • Webdriver practise non convey whatever built In object repository facility. You tin ship away practise It using coffee .properties file to practise object repository equally described In THIS EXAMPLE
  • Webdriver practise non convey whatever built In framework or facility using which nosotros tin ship away accomplish below given tasks straight : 1. Capturing screenshots, 2. generating evidence execution log, 3. reading information from files, 4. Generating evidence lawsuit reports, Manage evidence representative execution sequence. To accomplish all these tasks, We convey to exercise external services alongside webdriver similar Log4J to generate log, Apache POI API to read information from excel files, Testng XSLT reports to generate evidence lawsuit reports. TestNG to grapple evidence representative execution, .properties file to practise object repository. All these tasks are real fourth dimension consuming. ON THIS PAGE, I convey described how to practise information driven framework footstep past times footstep for selenium webdriver. That framework contains all higher upwards functionality.
You tin ship away portion other webdriver technical challenges which you lot convey faced past times commenting below hence that your sense tin ship away assistance to others too. 

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